Unleash the Magic of Training Through Play
(Please pardon our work on the website - much more coming very soon!)
Welcome To
Mystic Paws Academy
At MPA we believe dog training shouldn't be a chore! We have fun with our dogs and make training a lifestyle, and we want to share that joy! Through play you can truly bond with your dog and teach them to be well-behaved members of canine and human society! Our training is different in that we don't expect you to put aside chunks of time to train your dog, you'll be doing it any time you spend time with your dog, whether you are on your couch or out and about! Want that well-behaved dog that can be trusted off leash (when appropriate), be reliable, predictable, and a great member of both human and canine society? MPA offers all that and so much more!
About Us
How Can We Help You
Learn how to engage and teach your dog all the life skills they need, be able to problem solve future behavioral issues and come up with your own solutions, and even prepare for canine sports and other adventures!

We've created courses appropriate for all dogs regardless of age, building from basic foundations to advanced work. We have both online live and digital only classes.

We have Seminars on a variety of subjects to help you understand and care for your furry friend on a different level. Some seminars are included in classes.

Join a community of like-minded owners to share tips, tricks, and laughs as you journey through training with play. Great place to ask for advice or ideas!
Your dog is a unique individual, with thoughts, feelings, desires, likes, and dislikes. Wishing for a different dog never has a positive outcome. Train the dog you have to become the dog you wish for.

Hi, I'm
Heather Pohlman
And My Mission Is To Help You Make Training a Lifestyle
I've been training dogs my entire life, but professionally for over 30 years. I've done multiple sports and events over the years, and taught classes ranging from obedience to tricks, rally to stunt dog. I realized along the way that training isn't easy, and sometimes it doesn't feel fun, and then we burn out. I knew there had to be a better way, and so we've developed training through play!
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