The Magic of Animals - written by Kevin Wiczer
Jan 12, 2025When I first read this on my friend's Facebook page, I immediately asked if I could copy it to be a blog here. Some people are more intuitive than others, especially when it comes to animals. Over the years I've found I can "read" a dog better than a person, which makes me a very empathetic and understanding trainer. Kevin is very intuitive to humans, but this discussion is so worth the read! - Heather
The lesson of the day:
Today’s lesson is about treating your pets with respect and kindness. Animals are magical beings. They have the abilities to bring us joy, make us laugh, protect us, and bring us comfort. They are extremely intuitive, and many times you will find that they know what you need at any particular moment. This can be from knowing when you’re sick, knowing when you’re sad or depressed, knowing when you need to be guarded, and even know when someone is pregnant.
The magic in animals is clear not only in our homes, but also in the wild. They keep the balance in the world and our ecosystems. With this we are all connected to each other. Just as plants have their own magical and special purposes, animals are beautiful beings with so much magic within them as well. We bring them into our homes, and we often feel healed by them when we need it most. They are our guardians and they know their jobs well. They are also energy healers. Your energy frequency raises positively when you are with them.
Now you may be saying, well my pet misbehaves constantly and is far from a guardian. Just like human beings, animals have individual personalities of their own. What human being at any age does whatever they’re supposed to a hundred percent of the time? None. How can we expect that of other beings that are here with us sharing this space? We can try, but it doesn’t always happen. Just as your teenager isn’t always going to listen to you and sometimes rebels. Our pets are another being, not a mechanical robot.
Many times you will notice that your pet chooses you and that you had them in your life at a very particular moment in time when you needed them the most. Their lives are so short, yet they devote themselves to you to show you unconditional love as they also heal us from within. They are a very important member of your family. Make sure you treat them as the magical and special beings that they are. They have a soul just as you do. And they are there to be your guardians against negative energy when they are able. They are so much more than just an animal in your home. You have been chosen by them. And one of the most important lessons they can teach us is unconditional love.
Sending love and light!! 

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